On-demand digital course


Concrete strategies to take control, reclaim hope, and transform your life. 

"I can't breathe", "I can't sleep", "I feel like I can't go on"— are just a few of the phrases I've heard from parents going through a custody battle. 

This is the hardest moment of your life. Fighting for custody of your children – whether you are at the starting line or the nightmare is over – is something no parent should have to endure. It’s terrifying. Soul-crushing, even. 

I know how hard it is. I’ve been where you are – unable to FATHOM how your life has turned out this way. During my custody battle, I couldn't eat; I couldn't sleep. I walked around in a fog and just sobbed to anyone who would listen. 

Please don't be like many others who slowly resign themselves to a life of addiction, numbness, and resentment. Your custody battle will either destroy you or make you stronger. 

I've been where you are and this course is the playbook for how to get out. In this course, I walk you through exactly what helped me take back my power and make sure my ex didn't ruin my life. Learn exactly what I did to ensure I healed and when it was time, completely rebuilt my life. 

You can't fall apart  – your kids need you. Let me help you begin to climb out of this hell you are living in. 

Yes, I need help

When Things Fall Apart is for ...

✔ Mothers and fathers about to engage in a custody battle or even still living in an unhealthy relationship

✔ Parents in a custody battle who feel like they can't breathe because of the fear 

✔ Divorced men and women who want a renewed since of hope  

✔ Anyone who wants to feel like themselves again — and thrive!

Learn More


  • 19 Video Lesson On-Demand Video Course 

  • Accountability with Ruthie over email where she will check in and see how you are progressing

  • Workbook to help guide you through the lessons and make sure you implement what you've learned

  • Free bonus: Why Do Abusers and Narcissist Win Custody? 

I'll Try It ✨