What are you up against?


Every single day Judges are siding with abusers, narcissists, and worse in family court. It's time to stop the madness. Let's fight back, together.

The Details:

  • 90 minute masterclass with Q+A at the end (that you will have access to for 6 months) 
  • Includes Digital Workbook & Guide + email support from Ruthie for your particular situation

What You’ll Learn: 

  • Know how to identify and combat the 10 all-too-common strategies your ex’s lawyer will use to win custody
  • Think through exactly what your ex will do to try to win the Judge and take your children 
  • Stop abusers, narcissists, and addicts from harming your children simply because they have a better lawyer or more money
  • Prepare for court and stop your ex’s lawyer from stealing the show 
  • Do everything in your power to not have your kids taken from you
  • Get answers to your specific questions from Ruthie + a lawyer 

If you are a dad or mom, terrified of the outcome of your custody battle, this webinar is for you. If you want to feel less crazy, less alone in your fight against your ex--join us. 

What are you waiting for? 

I'm now offering a money-back guarantee to ease any concerns you have about registering. If you attend the masterclass and feel it was not worth your time, then you can request a refund. Â